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no idea where to put this. [May. 3rd, 2016|10:19 am]

dropping but welcoming psls if you want. reignsxx. thank you for the time I had in the comm.
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AIM: nmsoa [Apr. 26th, 2016|06:13 am]

Hello hey hi! I'm not very good at introductions and it's just weird cause half of you probably just saw me backstage at Raw but what the hell, decided to get one of these things. I'm Becky, theres a lot more to me than just being Irish and a chick, I guess you're going to find that out in due course. I like loud music, weird clothes, early mornings and keeping people on their toes. Come at me!
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lotsofaksana [Jan. 5th, 2016|07:48 pm]

Introductions can lead to something special. Putting yourself out there for others to respond can be quite risky. Will they like you? Will they hate you?

I like to start off on a common ground. I love sex, and I'm sure you do as well. So tell me, do you like to be dominated or are you dominant?
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Ultimatefinnisher [Jan. 2nd, 2016|10:27 pm]

I'm Fergal, or Finn, or whatever you want to call me. Hi?
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[Jan. 1st, 2016|08:32 pm]

The name is Brooke. I don't have an AIM name yet but I will soon but for now, we can use this to entertain each other.
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Here's the shot out of the cannon.. [Dec. 30th, 2015|10:53 pm]

Steven, Pazuzu, and John Triton. You gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one, go!
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[Dec. 8th, 2015|12:17 am]

I'm Hutter and I say filthy shit to amuse myself. If it amuses (or works up) anyone else then we have a bonus. Oh! And don't forget TNA debuts on PopTV in January. Anybody know if I'll get paid for plugging shit here? I mean...I'm sure it'll be late or only partially paid because of a change of plans, but I got g-strings to stuff and erotic glass works to buy.
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[Jul. 11th, 2015|08:30 pm]

I know all you ladies missed the dirty innuendo that tends to spout from me and all you guys love the filthy sexual stories I tell. I'm back.

You can call me Michael but I also answer to Mike, Ethan, and lately I've responded to Champ, but I think a few women around her know me as 'Oh God' and 'That guy with the chiseled jawline that's fun to sit on top of.'
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Ask me anything. [Apr. 19th, 2015|02:28 am]

[mood |Brave]

Anonymous or not. This is your chance to get a burning question answered as nothing is off-limits.
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teamk8lyn or customs [Apr. 8th, 2015|03:18 am]

It hasn't been that long, has it? I was the girl who couldn't decide on if I wanted to be a blonde or brunette. I finally decided that I wanted to be a brunette. Former divas champ. What else? I have a clothing line called Celestial Bodiez, check it out. And my tits are huuuge now.
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YouGet_The_Horns on AIM [Aug. 6th, 2014|07:14 pm]

Hi. I'm Dwayne Johnson. You might know me from such films as "The Rundown", "Fast and Furious", ad "Be Cool".

Or, you may know me as the pie eating, gorilla fucking, hell raising, heel slaying, world beating God of War channeling his power from the millions....


oh, and the few that can read this too. Here's looking at you kids.
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[Jul. 27th, 2014|04:27 pm]

I was welcome on the main group and can post so I figured I might as well post. Add me. Be my friend!!!!

I am the master of pipe bombs, being straight edge, walking out of the WWE and NOT being married. (Um unless I just don't remember)

Customs are welcome here. Comments are more than wanted.

The ladies are my life. Sorry dudes but I like the Vag!

You want to contact me it's simple AIM philcmbrooks.
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BesosfromBrie [Apr. 26th, 2014|10:29 am]

Nothing's better than getting a sweat on first thing in the morning.

What's your favorite way to get your sweat on?
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Johntasteslikefruitypebbles [Apr. 22nd, 2014|06:58 am]

Thirty seven years ago tomorrow I graced the world with my humble presence. I was greatly blessed with a great smile, charisma, and a cock like a horse. That one was for the benefit of womankind.
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